Kentro | A Trusted Network of dApps |

A Frictionless Experience of Property Valuation

A solution using Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to help financial institutions and surveyors digitize and streamline the processes of asset valuation, and also simplify the complexity of end-to-end workflows of the asset valuation and management industry.


Introducing Topaz

Topaz is a property valuation and management platform, which makes use of the Blockchain technology and R3’s Corda infrastructure and smart contracts to provide a transparent, traceable, while privacy-preserving platform for financial institutions and surveyors to negotiate valuation related terms and prepare legally binding reports digitally.

The platform can also be naturally extended to cover the entire end-to-end workflows of property management such as the sales and purchase agreement documents, property information from land registry, mortgage related documents, title deeds, and also be applied to other luxury assets.



Reduce Cost and Time by Digitizing Workflows

By digitizing the workflows, all market participants including banks, lenders, solicitors, surveyors, and government agencies can communicate and negotiate on a single platform, streamlining report initiation to delivery, and eliminate costs through smart contracts and automated business processes.

Manage Risk with Mortgage Alert

Mortgage and financing risks can be more transparent through Mortgage Alerts, our DLT, peer-to-peer, and privacy-aware notification service for the subsequent mortgage of properties.


Share Data in a Trustworthy Way

Data stored on Topaz are encrypted to ensure the security of sensitive information and communications between different stakeholders. Topaz platform has end-to-end encryption, which safeguard fine-grained access of sensitive information such as sales contracts, credit reports, and valuation reports to be restricted to specified users.

Security Features

two factor

Two Factor Authentication

Digitally Signed

Digitally Signed Transactions


Tamper-proof Footprint

Why Join the Topaz Platform?



  • Burn-after-read Verbal Valuation
  • Market Analysis
  • Property Inspection Records
  • Report Management System
  • Internal Risk Control Integration
  • Mortgage Alerts


  • Burn-after-read Verbal Valuation
  • Automated Valuation Process
  • Report Management System
  • CRM System Integration
  • Billing System

Empower companies to unleash their Web3 potential through blockchain technology and create a trusted digital ecosystem.

Topaz Elite​
